Protactile Research Network
Terra Edwards, Ph.D.
Department of Comparative Human Development
University of Chicago
[email protected]
Department of Comparative Human Development
University of Chicago
[email protected]
2021-present Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago
2017-2021 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Saint Louis University
2014-2017 Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Gallaudet University
2012-2014 Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley
2012-2013 Instructor, Pre-Collegiate Academy, Stanford University
2014 Ph.D. Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley
2007 M.A. Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin
2001 B.A. The Evergreen State College, Emphasis in interpretation and translation
English Native
American Sign Language Fluent (ASLPI 4+)
Protactile Language Fluent
Books and Book-Length Manuscripts
In preparation. "Going Tactile: Life at the Limits of Language." Book Project. Under Consideration, Oxford
Studies in the Anthropology of Language. Oxford University Press.
2014. "Language Emergence in the Seattle DeafBlind Community." PhD Dissertation. University of
California, Berkeley. Department of Anthropology. Supervisor: William F. Hanks.
2021. Submitted. “The Difference Intersubjective Grammar Makes in Protactile DeafBlind Communities”.
2021. "The Grammatical Incorporation of Demonstratives in an Emerging Tactile Language." Frontiers in
Psychology 11:579992. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.579992.(Co-authored with Diane Brentari).
2021. "A Protactile-Inspired Wearable Haptic Device for Capturing the Core Functions of Communication,"
in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 279-284, 1 April-June 2021, doi:
10.1109/TOH.2021.3076397. (Co-authored with Bryan McGavin and Jenna Gorlewicz).
2020. "Feeling Phonology: The conventionalization of phonology in protactile communities in the United
States." Language 96(4). (Co-authored with Diane Brentari).
2019. "Kink." Cultural Anthropology. Theorizing the Contemporary, Fieldsights, September 30. (Co-authored with Marius Ionescu).
2018. "Re-channeling Language: the mutual restructuring of language and infrastructure among DeafBlind people at
Gallaudet University." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 28:3 273-292.
2017. "Sign-Creation in the Seattle DeafBlind Community: a triumphant story about the regeneration of
obviousness." Gesture 16:2. 307-332. doi 10.1075/gest.16.206edw
2015. "Bridging the Gap between DeafBlind minds: Interactional and social foundations of intention attribution in
the Seattle DeafBlind community." Frontiers in Psychology. 6:1497 (Language Sciences).
2014. "From Compensation to Integration: Effects of the pro-tactile movement on the sub-lexical structure of
Tactile American Sign Language." Journal of Pragmatics. Vol. 69.
2012. "Sensing the Rhythms of Everyday Life: Temporal integration and tactile translation in the Seattle DeafBlind
Community." Language in Society. Vol. 41.
Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Articles
Forthcoming. "Giving up on Politeness: In: Bergson's Lecture on Politeness. Edited by Alessandro Duranti. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Forthcoming. "The Hands." In Parsing the Body: Language and the Social Life of Embodiment." Eds: Mary Bucholtz
and Kira Hall. Durham: Duke University Press.
2021. “Intersubjectivity”. In: The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. Ed.:James
Stanlaw. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/978111786093.iela0180
2019. Early Career Research (ECR) Presentation award, Sign Language Linguistics Society. Award presented at
the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research conference. Hamburg, Germany (September 26-28).
External Grants
2020."RAPID: Navigating Social Distancing with DeafBlind Children: Protactile Language Acquisition in an Online
Learning Environment." Linguistics, National Science Foundation (with Co-Is: Deanna Gagne, Diane Brentari,
Jenna Gorlewicz). Amount Awarded: $196,564.00.
2019-2022. "Rethinking Wearable Haptic Remote Communications by Leveraging DeafBlind Tactile Intuitions." Cyber-
Human Systems, National Science Foundation (with Jenna Gorlewicz, PI). Amount Awarded: $200,000.00.
2017-2022. "What You See is What You Feel: Sign Language Phonology in a Protactile World." Linguistics, The
National Science Foundation (Co-PI: Diane Brentari). Amount Awarded: $549,274.00.
2016. Post-PhD Research Grant, The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Amount Awarded: $19,441.00.
2010. Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, The Wenner-Gren Foundation. Amount Awarded: $13,933.00.
Internal Grants and Fellowships
2020. "PATH: People and Technology Horizon.: Saint Louis University Big Ideas Competition(with Jenna Gorlewicz and
Flavio Esposito). Amount Awarded: $50,000.00.
2020. "The Actual Architecture of Intersubjectivity." Mellon Faculty Development Award, Saint Louis University.
Amount Awarded: $2,500.00.
2019-2021. "Going Tactile: Life at the Limits of Language." Research Growth Fund Fellowship, Saint Louis
University. Amount Awarded: $56,395.89.
2019. "Being for Speaking: Tactile Language for a Tactile Mode of Being." Mellon Faculty Development Award, Saint
Louis University. Amount Awarded: $2,500.00.
2017. Spark Microgrant to start a project aimed at developing and theorizing new haptic technologies. Saint
Louis University (Co-PI:Jenna Gorlewwicz), Amount Awarded: $2,000.00.
2015. Priority Research Grant, Research Support and International Affairs (RSIA), Gallaudet University. Amount
Awarded: $138,000.00.
2014. Funding for the Tactile Mind Symposium, Provost's Office, Gallaudet University. Amount Awarded: $35,000.00
(proposal co-written with Robert T. Sirvage, Deaf Studies).
2013. Graduate Division Summer Grant, The University of California, Berkeley. Amount Awarded: $3,500.00.
2011. Dean's Normative Time Fellowship, The University California, Berkeley. Amount Awarded: $16,000.00.
2009. Continuing A. Richard Diebold Jr. Fellowship in Linguistic Anthropology. The Department of Anthropology, The
University of California at Berkeley. Amount Awarded: $3,000.00.
2008. The Chancellor's Fellowship, Department of Anthropology. The University of California at Berkeley. Amount
Awarded: $100,000.00.
2008. The A. Richard Diebold Jr. Fellowship in Linguistic Anthropology, The Department of Anthropology, The
University of California at Berkeley, Amount Awarded: $15,000.00.
Invited Talks
2021. “The Difference Intersubjective Grammar Makes in Protactile Communities in the US”. Centre of
Excellence for the Dynamics of Language-ANU Linguistics Seminar. Australian National University
(Remotely, March 11).
2021. “Meet the Authors: FEELING PHONOLOGY: The conventionalization of phonology in protactile communities
in the United States. “Meet the Authors” webinar series hosted by the Linguistic Society of
America (with Diane Brentari,January 22nd).
2020. "Being for Speaking in the Seattle DeafBlind Community." Department of Comparative Human Development,
University of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois (January 28, 2020).
2019. "The Collapse of the World in DeafBlind Communities in the U.S." Department of Anthropology, University of
Chicago. Chicago, Illinois (November 18).
2019. "Leaving Visually Alone: Protactile theories of cultural space at Gallaudet University." Theorizing Deaf
Geographies Workshop, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland (May 23-4).
2019. "A Topological Approach to Language Modality." Topology as Method Workshop. The University of California,
Berkeley. Department of Anthropology (April 6-7).
2018. "Re-Channeling Language: linguistic, interactional, and infrastructural dimensions of language emergence
among DeafBlind people in the United States." The Comparative Human Development Colloquium Series,
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (October 16).
2017. "Language for a Protactile World: Social and interactional foundations of language emergence in DeafBlind
communities." University of Pennsylvania, Department of Linguistics. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (October
2017. "What Can Materials Do? The mutual restructuring of language and infrastructure among DeafBlind people in
Washington, D.C." Fyssen Colloquium. Translation, Interaction, and Context: Cross-Disciplinary
Perspectives. Paris, France (October 11-14).
2017. "Fields and Fieldability in a Protactile World: Social and interactional foundations of language emergence."
The University of Chicago, Departments of Linguistics, Psychology & Anthropology. Chicago, Illinois (April
2017. "Tracking a Grammatical Divergence Between Visual and Tactile American Sign Language: Effects of embodied
interaction on language structure." Language Sciences Initiative and Department of Anthropology,
colloquium series, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, B.C. (January 5).
2016. "Tracking a Grammatical Divergence Between Visual and Tactile American Sign Language: Effects of
embodied interaction on language structure." Language Sciences Initiative and Department of
Anthropology, colloquium series, Hamilton College. Clinton, New York (December 5).
2015. "Tracking a Grammatical Divergence Between Visual and Tactile American Sign Language: Effects of
embodied interaction on language structure." Language Sciences Initiative and Department of
Anthropology, colloquium series, Georgetown University, Washington DC (January 30).
2015. "Language and Orientation in the Seattle DeafBlind Community: The transmutation of interactional
geometries. HAU-Fyssen Seminar on Translation Theory and Practice. University of California, Berkeley
(January 14-16).
2014. "Grounding Translation in the Seattle DeafBlind Community." HAU-Fyssen Seminar on "Translating Worlds." The
Fyssen Foundation. Paris, France (March 20-21).
2013. "The Social Foundations of Language Emergence in the Seattle DeafBlind Community." Stanford University,
Department of Anthropology, Brown Bag Series.
2013. "Language Emergence in the Seattle DeafBlind Community." The Sign Language Research Group. The University of
California, San Diego.
2013. "DeafBlind Ethnography: a method for understanding the sighted." Department of Communications. The University
of California, San Diego.
Conference Presentations
2021. Forthcoming. “ Being for Speaking: A plunge into the hoary recesses of the origo”. Invited Panel:
The Limits and Thresholds of Language. Sociolinguistics Symposium 23, Hong Kong. (Remotely, June 7-10)
2020. "Tactile Interaction in DeafBlind Communities." Panel: Toward a More Tactile Future: Learning from Protactile
DeafBlind Communities. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Seattle, Washington. (February
2019. "Giving Up on Politeness: The Desire for Tactile Knowledge and the Art of Finding Life Lovable. Panel:
Civility, empathy, and egalitarian ethos: Rethinking politesse with Henri Bergson. Annual Meeting of the
American Anthropological Association (November 20-24).
2019. "Feeling Phonology: The emergence of tactile phonological patterns in protactile communities in the United
States" (with Diane Brentari). Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research. Hamburg, Germany (September 26-
2019. "Feeling Phonology: The emergence of tactile phonological patterns in protactile communities in the
United States" (with Diane Brentari). The Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. New York, New York (January 3-6).
2018. "Becoming a Walrus in Walrus Town: How protactile design can restore the tactile sense to urban
inhabitants of North America." Panel: TOUCH I: tangible difference, worlding techniques. Discussant: Stefan Helmreich. The Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. San Jose, California
(November 14).
2018. "Feeling Phonology: the emergence of tactile phonological patterns in protactile communities in the
United States" (with Diane Brentari). Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory.
Venice, Italy (June 18-20).
2018. "Re-channeling Language: the mutual restructuring of language and infrastructure among DeafBlind
people in Washington DC." Society for Linguistic Anthropology inaugural conference. Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania (March 8-10).
2014. "Fitting Word to World: the role of deictic reference in a grammatical divergence between visual and
tactile American Sign Language." Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
Washington, D.C. (December 6).
2014. "Gesture in the Seattle DeafBlind Community: a triumphant story about the regeneration of obviousness.
International Society for Gesture Studies. San Diego, California (July 8-11).
Affiliated Researcher, Sign Language Linguistics Laboratory, the University of Chicago
Affiliated Researcher, Language Sciences Initiative, the University of British Columbia
Research Specialist, Tactile Communications, Monmouth, Oregon
Research Consultant, DeafBlind Interpreting National Training & Resource Center, Monmouth, Oregon
Member of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology and the American Anthropological Association
Member of the Linguistic Society of America
Courses Taught
Linguistic Anthropology, Saint Louis University
Cultural Anthropology, Saint Louis University
Introduction to Anthropology, Saint Louis University
Linguistic Anthropology, Gallaudet University
Phonology I, Gallaudet University
Linguistics 101, Gallaudet University
Linguistic Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley
2021-present Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago
2017-2021 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Saint Louis University
2014-2017 Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Gallaudet University
2012-2014 Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley
2012-2013 Instructor, Pre-Collegiate Academy, Stanford University
2014 Ph.D. Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley
2007 M.A. Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin
2001 B.A. The Evergreen State College, Emphasis in interpretation and translation
English Native
American Sign Language Fluent (ASLPI 4+)
Protactile Language Fluent
Books and Book-Length Manuscripts
In preparation. "Going Tactile: Life at the Limits of Language." Book Project. Under Consideration, Oxford
Studies in the Anthropology of Language. Oxford University Press.
2014. "Language Emergence in the Seattle DeafBlind Community." PhD Dissertation. University of
California, Berkeley. Department of Anthropology. Supervisor: William F. Hanks.
2021. Submitted. “The Difference Intersubjective Grammar Makes in Protactile DeafBlind Communities”.
2021. "The Grammatical Incorporation of Demonstratives in an Emerging Tactile Language." Frontiers in
Psychology 11:579992. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.579992.(Co-authored with Diane Brentari).
2021. "A Protactile-Inspired Wearable Haptic Device for Capturing the Core Functions of Communication,"
in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 279-284, 1 April-June 2021, doi:
10.1109/TOH.2021.3076397. (Co-authored with Bryan McGavin and Jenna Gorlewicz).
2020. "Feeling Phonology: The conventionalization of phonology in protactile communities in the United
States." Language 96(4). (Co-authored with Diane Brentari).
2019. "Kink." Cultural Anthropology. Theorizing the Contemporary, Fieldsights, September 30. (Co-authored with Marius Ionescu).
2018. "Re-channeling Language: the mutual restructuring of language and infrastructure among DeafBlind people at
Gallaudet University." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 28:3 273-292.
2017. "Sign-Creation in the Seattle DeafBlind Community: a triumphant story about the regeneration of
obviousness." Gesture 16:2. 307-332. doi 10.1075/gest.16.206edw
2015. "Bridging the Gap between DeafBlind minds: Interactional and social foundations of intention attribution in
the Seattle DeafBlind community." Frontiers in Psychology. 6:1497 (Language Sciences).
2014. "From Compensation to Integration: Effects of the pro-tactile movement on the sub-lexical structure of
Tactile American Sign Language." Journal of Pragmatics. Vol. 69.
2012. "Sensing the Rhythms of Everyday Life: Temporal integration and tactile translation in the Seattle DeafBlind
Community." Language in Society. Vol. 41.
Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Articles
Forthcoming. "Giving up on Politeness: In: Bergson's Lecture on Politeness. Edited by Alessandro Duranti. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Forthcoming. "The Hands." In Parsing the Body: Language and the Social Life of Embodiment." Eds: Mary Bucholtz
and Kira Hall. Durham: Duke University Press.
2021. “Intersubjectivity”. In: The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. Ed.:James
Stanlaw. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/978111786093.iela0180
2019. Early Career Research (ECR) Presentation award, Sign Language Linguistics Society. Award presented at
the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research conference. Hamburg, Germany (September 26-28).
External Grants
2020."RAPID: Navigating Social Distancing with DeafBlind Children: Protactile Language Acquisition in an Online
Learning Environment." Linguistics, National Science Foundation (with Co-Is: Deanna Gagne, Diane Brentari,
Jenna Gorlewicz). Amount Awarded: $196,564.00.
2019-2022. "Rethinking Wearable Haptic Remote Communications by Leveraging DeafBlind Tactile Intuitions." Cyber-
Human Systems, National Science Foundation (with Jenna Gorlewicz, PI). Amount Awarded: $200,000.00.
2017-2022. "What You See is What You Feel: Sign Language Phonology in a Protactile World." Linguistics, The
National Science Foundation (Co-PI: Diane Brentari). Amount Awarded: $549,274.00.
2016. Post-PhD Research Grant, The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Amount Awarded: $19,441.00.
2010. Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, The Wenner-Gren Foundation. Amount Awarded: $13,933.00.
Internal Grants and Fellowships
2020. "PATH: People and Technology Horizon.: Saint Louis University Big Ideas Competition(with Jenna Gorlewicz and
Flavio Esposito). Amount Awarded: $50,000.00.
2020. "The Actual Architecture of Intersubjectivity." Mellon Faculty Development Award, Saint Louis University.
Amount Awarded: $2,500.00.
2019-2021. "Going Tactile: Life at the Limits of Language." Research Growth Fund Fellowship, Saint Louis
University. Amount Awarded: $56,395.89.
2019. "Being for Speaking: Tactile Language for a Tactile Mode of Being." Mellon Faculty Development Award, Saint
Louis University. Amount Awarded: $2,500.00.
2017. Spark Microgrant to start a project aimed at developing and theorizing new haptic technologies. Saint
Louis University (Co-PI:Jenna Gorlewwicz), Amount Awarded: $2,000.00.
2015. Priority Research Grant, Research Support and International Affairs (RSIA), Gallaudet University. Amount
Awarded: $138,000.00.
2014. Funding for the Tactile Mind Symposium, Provost's Office, Gallaudet University. Amount Awarded: $35,000.00
(proposal co-written with Robert T. Sirvage, Deaf Studies).
2013. Graduate Division Summer Grant, The University of California, Berkeley. Amount Awarded: $3,500.00.
2011. Dean's Normative Time Fellowship, The University California, Berkeley. Amount Awarded: $16,000.00.
2009. Continuing A. Richard Diebold Jr. Fellowship in Linguistic Anthropology. The Department of Anthropology, The
University of California at Berkeley. Amount Awarded: $3,000.00.
2008. The Chancellor's Fellowship, Department of Anthropology. The University of California at Berkeley. Amount
Awarded: $100,000.00.
2008. The A. Richard Diebold Jr. Fellowship in Linguistic Anthropology, The Department of Anthropology, The
University of California at Berkeley, Amount Awarded: $15,000.00.
Invited Talks
2021. “The Difference Intersubjective Grammar Makes in Protactile Communities in the US”. Centre of
Excellence for the Dynamics of Language-ANU Linguistics Seminar. Australian National University
(Remotely, March 11).
2021. “Meet the Authors: FEELING PHONOLOGY: The conventionalization of phonology in protactile communities
in the United States. “Meet the Authors” webinar series hosted by the Linguistic Society of
America (with Diane Brentari,January 22nd).
2020. "Being for Speaking in the Seattle DeafBlind Community." Department of Comparative Human Development,
University of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois (January 28, 2020).
2019. "The Collapse of the World in DeafBlind Communities in the U.S." Department of Anthropology, University of
Chicago. Chicago, Illinois (November 18).
2019. "Leaving Visually Alone: Protactile theories of cultural space at Gallaudet University." Theorizing Deaf
Geographies Workshop, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland (May 23-4).
2019. "A Topological Approach to Language Modality." Topology as Method Workshop. The University of California,
Berkeley. Department of Anthropology (April 6-7).
2018. "Re-Channeling Language: linguistic, interactional, and infrastructural dimensions of language emergence
among DeafBlind people in the United States." The Comparative Human Development Colloquium Series,
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (October 16).
2017. "Language for a Protactile World: Social and interactional foundations of language emergence in DeafBlind
communities." University of Pennsylvania, Department of Linguistics. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (October
2017. "What Can Materials Do? The mutual restructuring of language and infrastructure among DeafBlind people in
Washington, D.C." Fyssen Colloquium. Translation, Interaction, and Context: Cross-Disciplinary
Perspectives. Paris, France (October 11-14).
2017. "Fields and Fieldability in a Protactile World: Social and interactional foundations of language emergence."
The University of Chicago, Departments of Linguistics, Psychology & Anthropology. Chicago, Illinois (April
2017. "Tracking a Grammatical Divergence Between Visual and Tactile American Sign Language: Effects of embodied
interaction on language structure." Language Sciences Initiative and Department of Anthropology,
colloquium series, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, B.C. (January 5).
2016. "Tracking a Grammatical Divergence Between Visual and Tactile American Sign Language: Effects of
embodied interaction on language structure." Language Sciences Initiative and Department of
Anthropology, colloquium series, Hamilton College. Clinton, New York (December 5).
2015. "Tracking a Grammatical Divergence Between Visual and Tactile American Sign Language: Effects of
embodied interaction on language structure." Language Sciences Initiative and Department of
Anthropology, colloquium series, Georgetown University, Washington DC (January 30).
2015. "Language and Orientation in the Seattle DeafBlind Community: The transmutation of interactional
geometries. HAU-Fyssen Seminar on Translation Theory and Practice. University of California, Berkeley
(January 14-16).
2014. "Grounding Translation in the Seattle DeafBlind Community." HAU-Fyssen Seminar on "Translating Worlds." The
Fyssen Foundation. Paris, France (March 20-21).
2013. "The Social Foundations of Language Emergence in the Seattle DeafBlind Community." Stanford University,
Department of Anthropology, Brown Bag Series.
2013. "Language Emergence in the Seattle DeafBlind Community." The Sign Language Research Group. The University of
California, San Diego.
2013. "DeafBlind Ethnography: a method for understanding the sighted." Department of Communications. The University
of California, San Diego.
Conference Presentations
2021. Forthcoming. “ Being for Speaking: A plunge into the hoary recesses of the origo”. Invited Panel:
The Limits and Thresholds of Language. Sociolinguistics Symposium 23, Hong Kong. (Remotely, June 7-10)
2020. "Tactile Interaction in DeafBlind Communities." Panel: Toward a More Tactile Future: Learning from Protactile
DeafBlind Communities. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Seattle, Washington. (February
2019. "Giving Up on Politeness: The Desire for Tactile Knowledge and the Art of Finding Life Lovable. Panel:
Civility, empathy, and egalitarian ethos: Rethinking politesse with Henri Bergson. Annual Meeting of the
American Anthropological Association (November 20-24).
2019. "Feeling Phonology: The emergence of tactile phonological patterns in protactile communities in the United
States" (with Diane Brentari). Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research. Hamburg, Germany (September 26-
2019. "Feeling Phonology: The emergence of tactile phonological patterns in protactile communities in the
United States" (with Diane Brentari). The Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. New York, New York (January 3-6).
2018. "Becoming a Walrus in Walrus Town: How protactile design can restore the tactile sense to urban
inhabitants of North America." Panel: TOUCH I: tangible difference, worlding techniques. Discussant: Stefan Helmreich. The Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. San Jose, California
(November 14).
2018. "Feeling Phonology: the emergence of tactile phonological patterns in protactile communities in the
United States" (with Diane Brentari). Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory.
Venice, Italy (June 18-20).
2018. "Re-channeling Language: the mutual restructuring of language and infrastructure among DeafBlind
people in Washington DC." Society for Linguistic Anthropology inaugural conference. Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania (March 8-10).
2014. "Fitting Word to World: the role of deictic reference in a grammatical divergence between visual and
tactile American Sign Language." Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
Washington, D.C. (December 6).
2014. "Gesture in the Seattle DeafBlind Community: a triumphant story about the regeneration of obviousness.
International Society for Gesture Studies. San Diego, California (July 8-11).
Affiliated Researcher, Sign Language Linguistics Laboratory, the University of Chicago
Affiliated Researcher, Language Sciences Initiative, the University of British Columbia
Research Specialist, Tactile Communications, Monmouth, Oregon
Research Consultant, DeafBlind Interpreting National Training & Resource Center, Monmouth, Oregon
Member of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology and the American Anthropological Association
Member of the Linguistic Society of America
Courses Taught
Linguistic Anthropology, Saint Louis University
Cultural Anthropology, Saint Louis University
Introduction to Anthropology, Saint Louis University
Linguistic Anthropology, Gallaudet University
Phonology I, Gallaudet University
Linguistics 101, Gallaudet University
Linguistic Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley
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