Protactile Research Network
Bahan, Benjamin. 2009. “Sensory Orientation.” Deaf Studies Digital Journal 1.
Barthes, R., Howard, R., & Barthes, R. (1984). The rustle of language (1. California paperback print., [Nachdr.]). University of California Press.
Battison, Robbin. 1978. Lexical Borrowing in American Sign Language. Silver Spring, MD: Linstock Press.
Bauman, Hansel. 2014. “DeafSpace: An Architecture toward a More Livable and Sustainable World.” In Deaf Gain: Raising the Stakes of Human Diversity, edited by H-Dirksen, L. Bauman, and Joseph Murray, 375–401. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Behm, Derick. 2019. “DEAFSPACE IN URBAN PLANNING: A Framework for Equity and Inclusion in Washington, DC.” Georgetown University.
Benjamin, Walter. 1999. The Arcades Project. Translated by Howard Eiland. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Boas, Franz. 1889. “On Alternating Sounds.” American Anthropologist 2 (1): 47–54.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1970. “The Berber House or the World Reversed.” Social Science Information
9 (2): 151–170.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1972. Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bühler, Karl. 1934. Theory of Language: The Representational Function of Language. Amster-
dam; Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Checchetto, Alessandra, Carlo Geraci, Carlo Cecchetto, and Sandro Zucchhi. 2018. “The Language Instinct in Extreme Circumstances: The Transition to Tactile Italian Sign Lan- guage (LISt) by Deafblind Signers.” Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 3 (1): 1–28.
Cheng, Qi, Austin Roth, Eric Halgren, and Rachel I. Mayberry. 2019. “Effects of Early Language Deprivation on Brain Connectivity: Language Pathways in Deaf Native and Late First- Language Learners of American Sign Language.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
Chomsky, Noam. 1988 [1965]. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. 20. Special Technical Report / Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics 11. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Clark, John Lee. 2014. “Pro-Tactile: Bursting the Bubble.” In Where I Stand: On the Signing Community and My DeafBlind Experience. Minneapolis: Handtype Press.
Clark, John Lee. 2015. “Metatactile Knowledge.” Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature 1 (1–13): 3.
Clark, John Lee. 2017. “Distantism (Https://Johnleeclark.Tumblr.Com/).” https://johnleeclark.
Clark, John Lee. 2021. “Against Access.” Timothy McSweeney’s Literary Concern August (64). Clark, John Lee, and Jelica B. Nuccio. 2020. “Protactile Linguistics: Discussing Recent Research
Findings.” Journal of American Sign Languages and Literatures. protactile-linguistics/.
Collins, Steven. 2004. “Adverbial Morphemes in Tactile American Sign Language.” Graduate College of Union Institute and University.
Collins, Steven, and Karen Petronio. 1998. “What Happens in Tactile ASL?” In Pinky Extension and Eye Gaze: Language Use in Deaf Communities, edited by Ceil Lucas, 18–37. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
DeBois, John W. 1987. “Meaning without Intention: Lessons from Divination.” IPrA Papers in Pragmatics 1 (2): 80–122.
Djordjević, Ivana. 1993. “Objectively Speaking.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
52 (1): 59–67.
Dudis, Paul G. 2004. “Body Partitioning and Real-Space Blends.” Cognitive Linguistics 15 (2): 223–238.
Duranti, Alessandro. 1984. Intentions, Self, and Local Theories of Meaning: Social Action in a Samoan Context. La Jolla, CA: Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego.
Duranti, Alessandro. 2010. “Husserl, Intersubjectivity, and Anthropology.” Anthropological Theory 10 (1): 1–20.
Duranti, Alessandro, and Nicco A. La Mattina. 2022. “The Semiotics of Cooperation.” Annual Review of Anthropology 51 (1): 85–101.
Edwards, Terra. 2014. “Language Emergence in the Seattle DeafBlind Community.” Berkeley, California: University of California, Berkeley.
Edwards, Terra. 2015. “Bridging the Gap between DeafBlind Minds: Interactional and Social Foundations of Intention Attribution in the Seattle DeafBlind Community.” Frontiers in Psychology (Language Sciences Section) 6.
Edwards, Terra. 2017. “Sign Creation in the Seattle DeafBlind Community: A Triumphant Story about the Regeneration of Obviousness.” Gesture 16 (2): 304–327. 1075/gest.16.2.06edw.
Edwards, Terra. 2018. “Re-channeling Language: The Mutual Restructuring of Language and Infrastructure at Gallaudet University.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 28 (3): 273–291.
Edwards, Terra, and Diane Brentari. 2020. “Feeling Phonology: The Emergence of Tactile Phonological Patterns in Protactile Communities in the United States.” Language 96 (4): 819–840.
Edwards, Terra, and Diane Brentari. 2021. “The Grammatical Incorporation of Demon- stratives in an Emerging Tactile Language.” Frontiers in Psychology 11 (579992).
Edwards, Terra, and Diane Brentari. In preparation. Language Emergence.
Gibson, James J. 2015 [1977]. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. New York: Taylor and Francis.
Goffman, Erving. 1964. “The Neglected Situation.” American Anthropologist 66: 133–136. Goffman, Erving. 1981. Footing: Forms of Talk. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Goodwin, Charles. 2007. “Participation, Stance and Affect in the Org.” Discourse and Society
18 (1): 53–73.
Goodwin, Charles. 2017. Co-operative Action. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness. 2017. Haptic Sociality. Vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness, and Asta Cekaite. 2018. Embodied Family Choreography: Prac- tices of Control, Care, and Mundane Creativity. 1st ed. New York: Routledge, 2018.
granda, aj, and Jelica Nuccio. 2018. “Protactile Principles.” Tactile Communications. https://
Hanks, William F. 1990. Referential Practice: Language and Lived Space among the Maya. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Hanks, William F. 2009. “Fieldwork on Deixis.” Journal of Pragmatics 41: 10–24. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.pragma.2008.09.003.
Hanks, William F. 2013. “Counterparts: Co-presence and Ritual Intersubjectivity.” Language & Communication 33: 263–277.
Hull, Matthew. 2012. Government of Paper: The Materiality of Bureaucracy in Urban Pakistan. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Irvine, Judith. 1996. “Shadow Conversations: The Indeterminacy of Participant Roles Isbn.” In Natural Histories of Discourse, edited by Michael Silverstein and Greg Urban 131–159. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Iwasaki, Shimako, Meredith Barlett, Howard Manns, and Louisa Willooughby. 2018. “The Challenges of Multimodality and Multisensorality: Methodological Issues in Analyzing Tactile Signed Interaction.” Journal of Pragmatics 143: 215–227. pragma.2018.05.003.
Johnson, Najma. 2020. “Najma’s Addressing DB Autonomy Video.” watch?v=D4Q_0aJenSs.
Keane, Webb. 2014. “Affordances and Reflexivity in Ethical Life: An Ethnographic Stance.”
Anthropological Theory 14 (1): 3–26.
Keating, Elizabeth, and Eugene Mirus. 2003. “American Sign Language in Virtual Space: Interactions between Deaf Users of Computer-Mediated Video Communication and the Impact of Technology on Language Practices.” Language in Society 32 (5): 693–714.
Kehler, Andrew. 2000. “Coherence and the Resolution of Ellipsis.” Linguistics and Philosophy
23 (6): 533–575.
Klima, Edward S., and Ursula Bellugi. 1979. The Signs of Language. London: Harvard University Press.
Kockelman, Paul. 2005. “The Semiotic Stance.” Semiotica 2005 (157): 233–304. 10.1515/semi.2005.2005.157.1-4.233.
Kockelman, Paul. 2006a. “Residence in the World: Affordances, Instruments, Actions, Roles, and Identities.” Semiotica 162 (1/4): 19–71.
Kockelman, Paul. 2006b. “Representations of the World: Memories, Perceptions, Beliefs, Intentions, and Plans.” Semiotica 2006 (162).
Koestler, Frances A. 2004. The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in the United States. New York: AFB Press.
Kusters, Annelies. 2015. Deaf Space in Adamorobe: An Ethnographic Study in a Village in Ghana. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
Levinson, Stephen C., and Judity Holler. 2014. “The Origin of Human Multi-modal Commu- nication.” Philosophical Transactions B 369 (1651).
Lynch, Kevin. 1960. The Image of the City. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. MacCleery, Rachel, and Jonathan Tar. 2012. “NoMa: The Neighborhood That Transit Built.” Urban Land Magazine. neighborhood-that-transit-built/.
Malzkuhn, Matthew. 2007. “Home Customization: Understanding Deaf Ways of Being.” Unpublished MA thesis. Gallaudet University.
McMillen, Sarah K. 2015. “Is Protactile Habitable at Gallaudet University: What Does It Take?” Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University.
McNeill, David. 2005. Gesture and Thought. Chicago and London: Univeristy of Chicago Press. McNeill, David, and Susan D. Duncan. 2000. “Growth Points in Thinking-for-Speaking.” In Language and Gesture, edited by David McNeill, 1st ed., 141–161. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Meier, Richard P. 2002. “Why Different, Why the Same? Explaining Effects and Non-effects of Modality upon Linguistic Structure in Sign and Speech.” In Modality and Structure in Signed and Spoken Languages, edited by Richard P. Meier, Kearsy Cormier, and David Quinto- Pozos, 1–12. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Merchant, Jason. 2004. “Fragments and Ellipsis.” Linguistics and Philosophy 27: 661–738. Merleau-Ponty,
Maurice, and Colin Smith. 2006 [1945]. Phenomenology of Perception: An Introduction. Repr. Routledge Classics. London: Routledge.
Mesch, Johanna. 2001. Tactile Sign Language: Turn Taking and Questions in Signed Conversa- tions of Deaf-Blind People. Hamburg: Signum.
Mesch, Johanna. 2013. “Tactile Signing with One-Handed Perception.” Sign Language Studies
13 (2): 238–263.
Mesch, Johanna, Eli Raanes, and Lindsay Ferrara. 2015. “Co-Forming Real Space Blends in Tactile Signed Language Dialogues.” Cognitive Linguistics 26 (2). cog-2014-0066.
Murphy, Keith M. 2015. Swedish Design: An Ethnography. Expertise: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Panofsky, Erwin. 1973. Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism: An Inquiry into the Analogy of the Arts, Philosophy, and Religion in the Middle Ages. New York: Meridian.
Perniss, Pamela, Inge Zwisterlood, and Asli Ozyurek. 2011. “Does Space Structure Spatial Language? Linguistic Encoding of Space in Sign Languages.” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 33.
Petronio, Karen, and Valerie Dively. 2006. “YES, #NO, Visibility, and Variation in ASL and Tactile ASL.” Sign Language Studies 7: 57–98.
Quinto-Pozos, David. 2002. “Deictic Points in the Visual-Gestural and Tactile-Gestural Modalities.” In Modality and Structure in Signed and Spoken Languages, edited by Richard
P. Meier, Kearsy Cormier, and David Quinto-Pozos, 442–467. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Quinto-Pozos, David, and Fey Parrill. 2015. “Signers and Co-speech Gesturers Adopt Similar Strategies for Portraying Viewpoint in Narratives.” Topics in Cognitive Science 7: 12–35.
Rawls, Anne. 2002. “Editor’s Introduction.” In Ethnomethodology’s Program: Working Out Durkheim’s Aphorism, edited by Anne Rawls, 1–64. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield.
Reed, Charlotte M., Lorraine A. Delhorne, Nathaniel I. Durlach, and Susan D. Fischer. 1995. “A Study of the Tactual Reception of Sign Language.” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 38: 477–489.
Rochester, Junius. 2004. Seattle’s Best-Kept Secret: A History of the Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.: Celebrating Ninety Years. Seattle: Tommie Press.
Romilus, Yashaira, and Jasper Norman. n.d. “Protactile Theatre.” PTT (blog). http://
Rosaldo, Michelle. n.d. “The Things We Do with Words: Ilongot Speech Acts and Speech Act Theory in Philosophy.” Language in Society 11 (2): 203–237. 4167311.
Rutherford, Danilyn. 2022. “Proprioceptive Sociality.” Conference Presentation, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, October 3, 2022.
Sandler, Wendy. 2013. “Dedicated Gestures and the Emergence of Sign Language.” Gesture 12
(3): 265–307.
Sangalang, Jordan. 2012. “Privacy in DeafSpace.” Unpublished MA thesis. Gallaudet University. Sapir, Edward. 1995 [1934]. “The Grammarian and His Language.” In Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture, and Personality, edited by David Mandelbaum, 564–568. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Saussure, Ferdinand de. 1972 [1915]. Course in General Linguistics. New York: McGraw Hill.
Scott, Robert A. 1981. The Making of Blind Men: A Study of Adult Socialization. 1st paperback ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.
Searle, John. 1983. Intentionality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shopen, Timothy. 1973. “Elipsis as Grammatical Indeterminacy.” Foundations of Language 10 (1): 65–77.
Sidnell, Jack. 2015. “Conversation Analysis.” In The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis, edited by Bernd Heine and Heiko Narrog. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Silverstein, Michael. 1976. “Shifters, Linguistic Categories, and Cultural Description.” In Meaning in Anthropology, edited by Keith Basso and Henry A. Selby, 11–55. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press.
Silverstein, Michael. 2019. “Texts, Entextualized and Artifactualized: The Shapes of Discourse.”
College English 82 (1): 55–76.
Simmel, G. (1971). On individuality and social forms: Selected writings (D. N. Levine, Ed.; Nachdr.). Univ. of Chicago Press.
Sirvage, Robert T., dir. 2015. Measuring the Immeasurable: The Legacy of Atomization and Dor- sality as a Pathway in Making Deaf Epistemology Quantifiable—An Insight from DeafSpace.
Sirvage, Robert T., dir. 2017. “Access & Exposure in Deaf Space Design.”
Slobin, Dan I. 1996. “From ‘Thought and Language’ to ‘Thinking for Speaking’ .” In Rethinking Linguistic Relativity, edited by John J. Gumperz and Stephen C. Levinson, 70–96. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Smith, T. B. (2002). GUIDELINES: Practical Tips for Working and Socializing with Deaf-Blind People. Interpreting, 8.
Stokoe, William C. 1960. “Sign Language Structure: An Outline of the Visual Communication Systems of the American Deaf.” Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 10.
Throop, C. Jason. 2016. “Aspects, Affordances, Breakdowns: Some Phenomenological Anthro- pological Reflections on Webb Keane’s Ethical Life: Its Natural and Social Histories.” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 6 (1): 469–475.
Van Cleve, John V., ed. 2007. The Deaf History Reader. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
Weiss, Erica, and Carole McGranahan. 2021. “Rethinking Pseudonyms in Ethnography: An Introduction.” American Ethnologist Website (blog). features/collections/rethinking-pseudonyms-in-ethnography/rethinking-pseudonyms-in- ethnography-an-introduction.
Willoughby, Louisa, Shimako Iwasaki, Meredith Bartlett, and Howard Manns. 2018. “Tactile Sign Languages.” In Handbook of Pragmatics, edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren, 21:239–258. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Barthes, R., Howard, R., & Barthes, R. (1984). The rustle of language (1. California paperback print., [Nachdr.]). University of California Press.
Battison, Robbin. 1978. Lexical Borrowing in American Sign Language. Silver Spring, MD: Linstock Press.
Bauman, Hansel. 2014. “DeafSpace: An Architecture toward a More Livable and Sustainable World.” In Deaf Gain: Raising the Stakes of Human Diversity, edited by H-Dirksen, L. Bauman, and Joseph Murray, 375–401. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Behm, Derick. 2019. “DEAFSPACE IN URBAN PLANNING: A Framework for Equity and Inclusion in Washington, DC.” Georgetown University.
Benjamin, Walter. 1999. The Arcades Project. Translated by Howard Eiland. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Boas, Franz. 1889. “On Alternating Sounds.” American Anthropologist 2 (1): 47–54.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1970. “The Berber House or the World Reversed.” Social Science Information
9 (2): 151–170.
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1972. Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bühler, Karl. 1934. Theory of Language: The Representational Function of Language. Amster-
dam; Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Checchetto, Alessandra, Carlo Geraci, Carlo Cecchetto, and Sandro Zucchhi. 2018. “The Language Instinct in Extreme Circumstances: The Transition to Tactile Italian Sign Lan- guage (LISt) by Deafblind Signers.” Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 3 (1): 1–28.
Cheng, Qi, Austin Roth, Eric Halgren, and Rachel I. Mayberry. 2019. “Effects of Early Language Deprivation on Brain Connectivity: Language Pathways in Deaf Native and Late First- Language Learners of American Sign Language.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
Chomsky, Noam. 1988 [1965]. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. 20. Special Technical Report / Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics 11. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Clark, John Lee. 2014. “Pro-Tactile: Bursting the Bubble.” In Where I Stand: On the Signing Community and My DeafBlind Experience. Minneapolis: Handtype Press.
Clark, John Lee. 2015. “Metatactile Knowledge.” Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature 1 (1–13): 3.
Clark, John Lee. 2017. “Distantism (Https://Johnleeclark.Tumblr.Com/).” https://johnleeclark.
Clark, John Lee. 2021. “Against Access.” Timothy McSweeney’s Literary Concern August (64). Clark, John Lee, and Jelica B. Nuccio. 2020. “Protactile Linguistics: Discussing Recent Research
Findings.” Journal of American Sign Languages and Literatures. protactile-linguistics/.
Collins, Steven. 2004. “Adverbial Morphemes in Tactile American Sign Language.” Graduate College of Union Institute and University.
Collins, Steven, and Karen Petronio. 1998. “What Happens in Tactile ASL?” In Pinky Extension and Eye Gaze: Language Use in Deaf Communities, edited by Ceil Lucas, 18–37. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
DeBois, John W. 1987. “Meaning without Intention: Lessons from Divination.” IPrA Papers in Pragmatics 1 (2): 80–122.
Djordjević, Ivana. 1993. “Objectively Speaking.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
52 (1): 59–67.
Dudis, Paul G. 2004. “Body Partitioning and Real-Space Blends.” Cognitive Linguistics 15 (2): 223–238.
Duranti, Alessandro. 1984. Intentions, Self, and Local Theories of Meaning: Social Action in a Samoan Context. La Jolla, CA: Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego.
Duranti, Alessandro. 2010. “Husserl, Intersubjectivity, and Anthropology.” Anthropological Theory 10 (1): 1–20.
Duranti, Alessandro, and Nicco A. La Mattina. 2022. “The Semiotics of Cooperation.” Annual Review of Anthropology 51 (1): 85–101.
Edwards, Terra. 2014. “Language Emergence in the Seattle DeafBlind Community.” Berkeley, California: University of California, Berkeley.
Edwards, Terra. 2015. “Bridging the Gap between DeafBlind Minds: Interactional and Social Foundations of Intention Attribution in the Seattle DeafBlind Community.” Frontiers in Psychology (Language Sciences Section) 6.
Edwards, Terra. 2017. “Sign Creation in the Seattle DeafBlind Community: A Triumphant Story about the Regeneration of Obviousness.” Gesture 16 (2): 304–327. 1075/gest.16.2.06edw.
Edwards, Terra. 2018. “Re-channeling Language: The Mutual Restructuring of Language and Infrastructure at Gallaudet University.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 28 (3): 273–291.
Edwards, Terra, and Diane Brentari. 2020. “Feeling Phonology: The Emergence of Tactile Phonological Patterns in Protactile Communities in the United States.” Language 96 (4): 819–840.
Edwards, Terra, and Diane Brentari. 2021. “The Grammatical Incorporation of Demon- stratives in an Emerging Tactile Language.” Frontiers in Psychology 11 (579992).
Edwards, Terra, and Diane Brentari. In preparation. Language Emergence.
Gibson, James J. 2015 [1977]. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. New York: Taylor and Francis.
Goffman, Erving. 1964. “The Neglected Situation.” American Anthropologist 66: 133–136. Goffman, Erving. 1981. Footing: Forms of Talk. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Goodwin, Charles. 2007. “Participation, Stance and Affect in the Org.” Discourse and Society
18 (1): 53–73.
Goodwin, Charles. 2017. Co-operative Action. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness. 2017. Haptic Sociality. Vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness, and Asta Cekaite. 2018. Embodied Family Choreography: Prac- tices of Control, Care, and Mundane Creativity. 1st ed. New York: Routledge, 2018.
granda, aj, and Jelica Nuccio. 2018. “Protactile Principles.” Tactile Communications. https://
Hanks, William F. 1990. Referential Practice: Language and Lived Space among the Maya. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Hanks, William F. 2009. “Fieldwork on Deixis.” Journal of Pragmatics 41: 10–24. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.pragma.2008.09.003.
Hanks, William F. 2013. “Counterparts: Co-presence and Ritual Intersubjectivity.” Language & Communication 33: 263–277.
Hull, Matthew. 2012. Government of Paper: The Materiality of Bureaucracy in Urban Pakistan. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Irvine, Judith. 1996. “Shadow Conversations: The Indeterminacy of Participant Roles Isbn.” In Natural Histories of Discourse, edited by Michael Silverstein and Greg Urban 131–159. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Iwasaki, Shimako, Meredith Barlett, Howard Manns, and Louisa Willooughby. 2018. “The Challenges of Multimodality and Multisensorality: Methodological Issues in Analyzing Tactile Signed Interaction.” Journal of Pragmatics 143: 215–227. pragma.2018.05.003.
Johnson, Najma. 2020. “Najma’s Addressing DB Autonomy Video.” watch?v=D4Q_0aJenSs.
Keane, Webb. 2014. “Affordances and Reflexivity in Ethical Life: An Ethnographic Stance.”
Anthropological Theory 14 (1): 3–26.
Keating, Elizabeth, and Eugene Mirus. 2003. “American Sign Language in Virtual Space: Interactions between Deaf Users of Computer-Mediated Video Communication and the Impact of Technology on Language Practices.” Language in Society 32 (5): 693–714.
Kehler, Andrew. 2000. “Coherence and the Resolution of Ellipsis.” Linguistics and Philosophy
23 (6): 533–575.
Klima, Edward S., and Ursula Bellugi. 1979. The Signs of Language. London: Harvard University Press.
Kockelman, Paul. 2005. “The Semiotic Stance.” Semiotica 2005 (157): 233–304. 10.1515/semi.2005.2005.157.1-4.233.
Kockelman, Paul. 2006a. “Residence in the World: Affordances, Instruments, Actions, Roles, and Identities.” Semiotica 162 (1/4): 19–71.
Kockelman, Paul. 2006b. “Representations of the World: Memories, Perceptions, Beliefs, Intentions, and Plans.” Semiotica 2006 (162).
Koestler, Frances A. 2004. The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in the United States. New York: AFB Press.
Kusters, Annelies. 2015. Deaf Space in Adamorobe: An Ethnographic Study in a Village in Ghana. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
Levinson, Stephen C., and Judity Holler. 2014. “The Origin of Human Multi-modal Commu- nication.” Philosophical Transactions B 369 (1651).
Lynch, Kevin. 1960. The Image of the City. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. MacCleery, Rachel, and Jonathan Tar. 2012. “NoMa: The Neighborhood That Transit Built.” Urban Land Magazine. neighborhood-that-transit-built/.
Malzkuhn, Matthew. 2007. “Home Customization: Understanding Deaf Ways of Being.” Unpublished MA thesis. Gallaudet University.
McMillen, Sarah K. 2015. “Is Protactile Habitable at Gallaudet University: What Does It Take?” Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University.
McNeill, David. 2005. Gesture and Thought. Chicago and London: Univeristy of Chicago Press. McNeill, David, and Susan D. Duncan. 2000. “Growth Points in Thinking-for-Speaking.” In Language and Gesture, edited by David McNeill, 1st ed., 141–161. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Meier, Richard P. 2002. “Why Different, Why the Same? Explaining Effects and Non-effects of Modality upon Linguistic Structure in Sign and Speech.” In Modality and Structure in Signed and Spoken Languages, edited by Richard P. Meier, Kearsy Cormier, and David Quinto- Pozos, 1–12. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Merchant, Jason. 2004. “Fragments and Ellipsis.” Linguistics and Philosophy 27: 661–738. Merleau-Ponty,
Maurice, and Colin Smith. 2006 [1945]. Phenomenology of Perception: An Introduction. Repr. Routledge Classics. London: Routledge.
Mesch, Johanna. 2001. Tactile Sign Language: Turn Taking and Questions in Signed Conversa- tions of Deaf-Blind People. Hamburg: Signum.
Mesch, Johanna. 2013. “Tactile Signing with One-Handed Perception.” Sign Language Studies
13 (2): 238–263.
Mesch, Johanna, Eli Raanes, and Lindsay Ferrara. 2015. “Co-Forming Real Space Blends in Tactile Signed Language Dialogues.” Cognitive Linguistics 26 (2). cog-2014-0066.
Murphy, Keith M. 2015. Swedish Design: An Ethnography. Expertise: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Panofsky, Erwin. 1973. Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism: An Inquiry into the Analogy of the Arts, Philosophy, and Religion in the Middle Ages. New York: Meridian.
Perniss, Pamela, Inge Zwisterlood, and Asli Ozyurek. 2011. “Does Space Structure Spatial Language? Linguistic Encoding of Space in Sign Languages.” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 33.
Petronio, Karen, and Valerie Dively. 2006. “YES, #NO, Visibility, and Variation in ASL and Tactile ASL.” Sign Language Studies 7: 57–98.
Quinto-Pozos, David. 2002. “Deictic Points in the Visual-Gestural and Tactile-Gestural Modalities.” In Modality and Structure in Signed and Spoken Languages, edited by Richard
P. Meier, Kearsy Cormier, and David Quinto-Pozos, 442–467. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Quinto-Pozos, David, and Fey Parrill. 2015. “Signers and Co-speech Gesturers Adopt Similar Strategies for Portraying Viewpoint in Narratives.” Topics in Cognitive Science 7: 12–35.
Rawls, Anne. 2002. “Editor’s Introduction.” In Ethnomethodology’s Program: Working Out Durkheim’s Aphorism, edited by Anne Rawls, 1–64. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield.
Reed, Charlotte M., Lorraine A. Delhorne, Nathaniel I. Durlach, and Susan D. Fischer. 1995. “A Study of the Tactual Reception of Sign Language.” Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 38: 477–489.
Rochester, Junius. 2004. Seattle’s Best-Kept Secret: A History of the Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.: Celebrating Ninety Years. Seattle: Tommie Press.
Romilus, Yashaira, and Jasper Norman. n.d. “Protactile Theatre.” PTT (blog). http://
Rosaldo, Michelle. n.d. “The Things We Do with Words: Ilongot Speech Acts and Speech Act Theory in Philosophy.” Language in Society 11 (2): 203–237. 4167311.
Rutherford, Danilyn. 2022. “Proprioceptive Sociality.” Conference Presentation, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, October 3, 2022.
Sandler, Wendy. 2013. “Dedicated Gestures and the Emergence of Sign Language.” Gesture 12
(3): 265–307.
Sangalang, Jordan. 2012. “Privacy in DeafSpace.” Unpublished MA thesis. Gallaudet University. Sapir, Edward. 1995 [1934]. “The Grammarian and His Language.” In Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture, and Personality, edited by David Mandelbaum, 564–568. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Saussure, Ferdinand de. 1972 [1915]. Course in General Linguistics. New York: McGraw Hill.
Scott, Robert A. 1981. The Making of Blind Men: A Study of Adult Socialization. 1st paperback ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.
Searle, John. 1983. Intentionality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shopen, Timothy. 1973. “Elipsis as Grammatical Indeterminacy.” Foundations of Language 10 (1): 65–77.
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